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NGC 6503

NGC 6503 is a field dwarf spiral galaxy located at the edge of a region of space called the Local Void. The dwarf galaxy spans 30,000 light-years and lies approximately 17 million light-years away in the constellation of Draco (the Dragon). The spiral galaxy is especially colorful where bright red regions of gas can be seen scattered through its spiral arms. Bright blue regions contain stars that are forming. Dark brown dust areas are in the galaxy's arms and center.

Imaging telescope: TS Photon 8" F5 Newtonian reflector
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI 533MC-P
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ-5 Pro Go-To
Guiding telescope: TS 80/600 F7.5 Achromat
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI 120MC-S
Coma corrector: TS GPU Superflat
Extras: -

Software: Adobe Photoshop 2020, DeepSkyStacker, PHD Guiding, PixInsight
Frames: 120s x 225 GAIN 100 @ 0 degrees
Integration: 7 hours 30 minutes
Date captured: 03/10/2020
Location: Athens, Greece
Bortle Scale (?): 8