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NGC 2841

NGC 2841 (also known as Tiger Eye Galaxy) is an barred spiral galaxy in the Ursa Major constellation. It lies about 46 million light-years away from earth with an optical size of 8.1 x 3.5 arcmin and is inclined about 68 degrees to the line of sight from the Earth. It has a apparent magnitude of 10.1 (B).

Imaging telescope: TS Photon 8" F5 Newtonian reflector
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI 533MC-P
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ-5 Pro Go-To
Guiding telescope: TS 80/600 F7.5 Achromat
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI 120MC-S
Coma corrector: TS GPU Superflat
Extras: -

Software: Adobe Photoshop 2020, DeepSkyStacker, PHD Guiding, PixInsight
Frames: 120s x 330 GAIN 100 @ -5 degrees
Integration: 11 hours
Date captured: 21/05/2021
Location: Athens, Greece
Bortle Scale (?): 8