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NGC 6543

NGC 6543 is a high northern declination deep-sky object. It has the combined magnitude of 8.1, with high surface brightness. Its small bright inner nebula subtends an average of 16.1 arcsec, with the outer prominent condensations about 25 arcsec. Deep images reveal an extended halo about 300 arcsec or 5 arcmin across, that was once ejected by the central progenitor star during its red giant phase.

Imaging telescope: TS Photon 8" F5 Newtonian reflector
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI 120MC-S
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ-5 Pro Go-To
Guiding telescope: -
Guiding camera: -
Coma corrector: -
Extras: Celestron Barlow 2x

Software: Adobe Photoshop 2020
Frames: 8s x 130 Gain 39
Integration: 17,5 minutes
Date captured: 23/11/2019
Location: Athens, Greece
Bortle Scale (?): 8